Coming Up!

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

facebook eats our blog.

Since I mainly post to the uber-convenient fb now, I've decided to end this blog and keep facebook as our main posting point. I resisted this for a while, believing that non-fb users may want to comment on things. However, no one ever comments on this blog (though they do on fb) and fb also has feed from all our other social networking sites, such as LibraryThing, Twitter, Flickr, etc. AND I don't think there's a person alive who, able and willing to read this blog, is NOT already on fb. So there you have it. fb wins the blog wars. Too bad about the near-perfect FriendFeed.

so go HERE for our fb page. And please comment! The more you tell us, the better we can serve you guys, which is the WHOLE POINT.